

橡胶止水带 遇水膨胀止水条 双组份聚硫密封胶

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产品/服务: 浏览次数:201652型橡胶止水带 
型 号: 652 
品 牌: 一搏 
单 价: 1.00元/米 
起订量: 100 米 
供货总量: 90000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2017-12-13  有效期至:长期有效
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 产品型号:  652
 产品品牌:  一搏



The 652 type sealing strip is a type of waterstop, also belong to the medium buried waterstop, width 280mm, thickness 14mm. diameter, each of the two sides of the edge type.652 sealing strip by wear and tear of rubber from the 6mm to the 20mm. center hole, a new building waterproof material after processing the specific form, has the seal function, to produce compression deformation under various loads. Characteristics: high tensile strength, elongation at break; aging performance is good.


652 watertight strip must take fixed reliable measures of rebar binding and formwork. To prevent the occurrence of displacement in the pouring of concrete, to ensure the correct position of the rubber sealing strip in concrete. Only in the rubber sealing belt allows parts of perforated holes, the fixed rubber waterstop. Shall not damage the body. The local fixed method commonly used are: the use of additional reinforcement fixation; special fixture with wire fixation; and the fixed template. Regardless of the fixing method, fixing method for rubber sealing strip should be carried out according to the design requirements of the construction specifications. Must ensure rubber waterstop positioning accuracy, does not damage the rubber check effective parts of water, convenient concrete.
Classification of rubber water stop tape for its use:
1,适用于变形缝用止水带,用 B 表示;2,适用于施工缝用止水带,用 S 表示;3,适用于有特殊耐老化要求的接缝用止水带用 J 表示
1, suitable for deformation joint water stop belt, expressed by B; 2, suitable for construction joints with water stop, expressed by S; 3, suitable for special aging resistance requirements of joint water stop belt with J expression
橡胶止水带是采用天然橡胶与各种合成橡胶为主要原料,掺加各种助剂及填充料,经塑炼,混炼, 压制成型,其品种规格较多,有桥型,山型,P型,R型,U型,Z型,乙型,T型,H型,E型,Q型等.该止水材料具有良好的弹性,耐磨性,耐老化性和抗撕裂性能,适应变形能力强,防水性能好,温度使用范围-45℃-+60℃.当温度超过+70℃,以及强烈的氧化作用或受油类等有机溶剂侵蚀时,均不得使用该产品.
The rubber sealing strip is made of natural rubber and various synthetic rubber as the main raw material, and the filling material mixed with various additives, through mixing, mixing, molding, the more varieties of different specifications, bridge, mountain type, P type, R type, U type, Z type, T type, H type hepatitis. E type, Q type and so on. The sealing material has good elasticity, abrasion resistance, aging resistance and tear resistance to deformation ability, good waterproof performance, the temperature range of -45 DEG -+60 DEG. When the temperature exceeds +70 DEG C, and strong oxidation by oils or organic solvents such as erosion, are do not use this product.
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