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产品/服务: 浏览次数:203聚乙烯闭孔泡沫板 
型 号: 齐全 
规 格: 齐全 
品 牌: 一搏 
单 价: 1.00元/米 
起订量: 100 米 
供货总量: 90000 米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2019-04-14  有效期至:长期有效
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 产品型号:  齐全
 产品规格:  齐全
 产品品牌:  一搏



The obturator foam plate has an independent obturator structure, and the outward appearance of the cavity is evenly distributed. It is tightly integrated with cement adhesive. Natural adaptation to the change of expansion and shrinkage, and enhance the effect of swelling and stopping water.
1, the density is small, the recovery rate is high, and it has an independent bubble structure.
2, the surface water absorption rate is low, and the anti osmosis performance is good.
3、 耐酸、耐碱、盐、油等有机溶剂腐蚀,耐老化性能优良。
3, acid resistance, alkali resistance, salt, oil and other organic solvents corrosion, good aging resistance.
4、 高温时不流淌,低温时不脆裂。
4. It does not flow at high temperature and does not crack at low temperature.
The construction of closed cell polyethylene foam board can be applied using a variety of methods to use. Longitudinal water stop joint, horizontal water stop joint and other special joint use. Positive polyethylene closed cell foam board has its unique advantages, such as strong recovery, no water absorption, impact resistance, weather resistance, chemical resistance and aging resistance. PE foam is widely applied in other fields.

The application range of closed cell foam board can be widely applied to various concrete seams and seams, such as river dykes, port wharves, underground gushing tunnels, hydropower stations, airport bridges, indoor sanitation, etc.


闭孔泡沫板密度高已经代替了传统的三油四毡、沥青和木杉板等材料。而且聚乙烯泡沫板环保(使用它正响应了人人环保,绿色环保的口号)施工简便,防渗防漏效果不可小亏L-600型密度达104Kg/立方 ;L-1000型密度可达90104Kg/立方 ,闭孔泡沫板的密度在一方面也决定了它的防水性能的高低,因泡沫板密度小就大大加强了他的防水性,防渗漏性。泡沫板的吸水率极低是按cm3计算的。
The high density of the closed - hole foam plate has replaced the traditional three oil four felt, bitumen and wood fir plate. Polyethylene foam plate (environmental protection and use it is to respond to all environmental protection, green environmental protection slogan) simple construction, leakage prevention effects can not be a small loss of L-600 density of 104Kg/ cubic L-1000 type; density of up to 90104Kg/ cubic foam board density on the one hand also determines the level of its waterproof performance, because of the foam board low density is greatly strengthened waterproof anti leakage of his. The water absorption of the foam plate is very low by cm3.
In addition to its strong waterproof performance, closed cell foam board has some other characteristics, such as cold resistance (low temperature, no crack), high temperature resistance (high temperature, no flow), corrosion resistance (not afraid of hydrochloric alkali substances), independent bubble structure, high recovery rate and aging resistance. Its various characteristics make the use of the filling plate more and more extensive.
At present, closed cell foam board for application to concrete highway expansion joints plate seam; bridge joint seal plate; the water conservancy project dam, dam protecting, stilling ridge, slope protection, block wall expansion joints plate; hydropower, thermal power, engineering, tower bottom waterstop joint plate; joint plate for building settlement joints, frame structure; with the water and sewage treatment plant water tank joint plate plate joint life; runway; joint board port, concrete tunnel, tunnel; concrete joint water board; subway, underground concrete watertight joint plate.
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