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东莞千泰塑胶原料有限公司主要经营耐高温PA66料,耐磨POM料,TPU包胶料,PA66加纤阻燃,耐高温PBT料,PC耐高温料. 可提供原料:ROHS(SGS)报告,UL认证,FDA认证,材质证明及物质安全资料表(MSDS)。具有相当规模的现代化中外合资企业,产品绝大部分外销及为国内外厂家提供高品质产品,深受国内外客户好评欢迎来电咨询:15818465693 0769-33214396 QQ:275158775
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《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料
产品/服务: 浏览次数:76《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料  
型 号: 齐全 
规 格: 25KG 
品 牌: 进口 
单 价: 电议/面议 
起订量: 25 KG 
供货总量: 666666 KG
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
更新日期: 2018-06-20  有效期至:长期有效
联 系 人: 周伟 (先生)

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 产品型号:  齐全
 产品规格:  25KG
 产品品牌:  进口
《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料 《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料 千泰塑胶供应158-1846-5693 周生(经理) 0769-332-14396 千泰塑胶 质量保证,原产原包,提供SGS,UL黄卡,COA,出厂认证报告
《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料 欢迎来电咨询:158-1846-5693(周生)0769-332-14396 千泰塑胶原料有限公司将继续保持‘客户至上、诚信为本、质量*、低价供货’的原则以及完整的售后服务体系全心全意服.可提供所有塑胶原料:ROHS(SGS)报告,UL认证,FDA认证,材质证明及物质安全资料表(MSDS)??煽捌?PP 7043L1 、→,PA6 F130-E1 、PP 3117ANC1 、PC 141-21092 、PMMA 75 、‖。PA6 PX06011 、→,POM C9021XAP2LS 、PC K-50MRA 、PP H20YLME 、‖。PP MV007SU 、HDPE 2005 TN 59 、‖。LCP G-930NT ‖。 CA-7220A 、TPU BTP-85A 、‖。PA66 DMX65G30AH 、‖。ABS AG15AB 、EVA 6323 、PPS G131Z1 、PP J-740 TPEE 45D PA46 TW200B6 BK 、PA6 PFL36 、ABS M301AS 、PC 340TNIR 、ABS D-150 BK 、TPU 2103-85A 、LDPE NA204000 、ABS 700 RD 、‖。PP RF402 、‖。TPEE HTR8425 、PA6 1010GN2-15Z PPO L543V 、→,POM M50 TPEE 5404GP 、PC DFL36XXJ 、LCP LX70G35 、PP HM3207SM 、PA6 N7-9900-1600 、‖。PP H308G6 、EVA 2305 、POM SH710 、‖。PC DL004XXC 、‖。TPU A87H4615 、‖。PBT VX4920 、→,LDPE BC818 ETFE CF-5020-1 BK 、PA66 A216V33 、HDPE HP 401N 、PP LGF40 、PPS R-7-120BL 、PA6 T-803 、‖。PA6 1300CRH 、‖。PPO FXN119LG 、‖。TPE HX-064AN 、LCP 5130L 、‖。PPS C-600SG 、‖。PC FXD1414T 、PBT 4815 NCB 、PA66 RF00CSXZ 、‖。POM KX88084 、‖。PC/ABS C6600 、POM GH-25D 、ASA PAS703 、PC/ABS 5200HF.IM 、TPU S168D 、→,EVA 14C4 、‖。PP 1080 、PBT 2300-GV1/10 、‖。PA66 RFN18SXZ 、‖。PP 5720WZ 、TPE TPSD300-70A 、→,PC LN-3000RM 、→,PC 2200R 、‖。PA66 RZL36 ‖。PPE 540Z 、 《 PMMA 2045 ) 材料 PVC (1) cost barrier PVC is a basic chemical raw material, and its product diversity is relatively small. Under the completely competitive market structure in China, the cost is the most important factor that affects the competitiveness of enterprises. As a result of industry characteristics, raw materials and energy occupy a high proportion in product cost. The cost of oil ethylene is mainly affected by the impact of the price of petroleum; calcium carbide production cost is mainly affected by the cost effect in general, calcium carbide, calcium carbide cost accounted for about PVC 70% of the cost, and the cost of electricity has accounted for about 60% of the cost of calcium carbide, because China is rich in power resources in the west, the electricity price is relatively low, compared with the production Eastern Enterprises calcium carbide production enterprises, the calcium carbide method has certain advantages in terms of cost. With resource endowments, supporting the production of calcium carbide enterprises, will build more solid cost barriers. Industrial policy barriers To promote the upgrading of chlor alkali industry in the industrial structure, regulate the development of the industry, in accordance with the principle of sustainable development to optimize the layout and orderly development, adjust the structure, save energy, protect the environment, safety production, technological progress, the national development and Reform Commission issued the "formulation (chlor alkali caustic soda, PVC) industry access conditions", and since the beginning of December 1, 2007: in the industrial layout for new chlor alkali production enterprises should be close to the resources, the energy area, the eastern region in addition to the relocation of enterprises outside the principle of caustic soda project is no longer the new carbide PVC project and its matching; technology requirements for construction and reconstruction of the calcium carbide PVC project must be simultaneously supporting the building of carbide slag cement and carbide slag comprehensive using the device access conditions; from the index of energy consumption and environmental standards for new projects. The adjustment of industrial policy greatly improves the threshold of capital, technology, talents and resources in the chlor alkali industry EVA is a copolymer of ethylene and acetic acid. The Chinese chemical name is ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer). The English chemical name is Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer. The application field of EVA is quite extensive. The market consumption in China is increasing year by year, especially in shoemaking industry, which is applied to middle and high grade shoes, mountaineering shoes, slippers, sandals, soles and interior materials. Chinese name EVA plastics Foreign language name Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Copolymer Chinese chemical name Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer application area Shoe making industry Make Copolymerization of ethylene and acetic acid Catalog 1.1 encyclopedia card 2.2 brief introduction 3.3 characteristics 4.4 application fields 5.5 physical property table medical aircraft The lin] Ethylene ['the theta, [of] Vinyl [of] vainil] ['the ethylene vinyl Acetate ['? sitit] [of] Copolymer [k u'p ester salt. Lim.] [of] copolymer brief introduction Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, called EVA. Ethylene vinyl acetate (VA) content in 5%-40%, and polyethylene (PE) compared to EVA due to the molecular chain of the vinyl acetate monomer, thereby reducing the high crystallinity, improved toughness, impact resistance, filler compatibility and heat sealing performance, is widely used in foam material, functional films, packaging mold, hot melt adhesive, wire and cable and toys and other fields.
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